"For I was hungry, and you fed me." Matthew 25:35 NLT



Alleviating spiritual and physical hunger in the world, in Jesus’ name.


Harvest of Talents for World Hunger is a worldwide Christian ministry that utilizes every person’s God-given talents and relies upon God’s blessings to multiply those efforts to raise funds (channeled through International Disaster Emergency Service) that will help alleviate spiritual and physical hunger.


Thousands of people die each day of hunger-related causes, and hunger now affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Your talent or purchase of a Harvest item or attendance at a Harvest event could be the answer to another person’s prayer!

Throughout each year, many talents are offered and new projects are completed, such as recycling aluminum, saving dimes & coins, ladies Spring Tea, garden walk, special event license plates, golf outing, musical programs, 5K run/walk in cooperation with the local YMCA, prayer calendar, poetry, truckload of fresh SD potatoes, cookbook, commemorative ornament, holiday home tour, cookie walk, Princess Tea for little girls, handcrafting workshops, and more.

On the 4th Saturday of October, HARVEST DAY begins with doors opening promptly at 7 a.m. at Lincoln Christian Church, in Lincoln, IL, with homemade cinnamon and pecan rolls. Carry-outs available. Freshly made vegetable soup cooked in outdoor kettles, homemade pie & bread, lots of tasty snacks and beverages in outdoor tent booths, and handmade items of all kinds (for pets, gardens, Christmas, home decor, shabby chic, quilted, babies, baked goods, jams/jellies, fresh produce, gift baskets, etc.) are sold 7 a.m. til 1 p.m. or til the exciting live auction begins at 2 p.m. There’s something for everyone, inc. live entertainment, souvenir photo booth,  craft projects for children, silent auctions, Harvest logo wear & souvenirs, monitored coat check room, I.D.E.S. information table, and Harvest Ministry Welcome area. A highlight is the live auction in the afternoon of many unique items, such as original design handsewn quilts, handcrafted furniture, fine needlework, framed photography and artwork, jewelry, pottery, items from the mission field, refurbished antiques, repurposed items, and other treasures.

A check for the full amount raised is presented to I.D.E.S. at a special Celebration Sunday worship service in Lincoln, IL, following Harvest Day. It’s always exciting for those in attendance to hear how much was raised in the past 12 months. The 31st Harvest (in 2014) raised 98,533.56! Each Harvest is a success by any measure.

Since everything for Harvest is donated, all funds raised are given to I.D.E.S. for hunger relief around the world in Jesus’ name.

God bless you ~ as you pray for those who give their time and talents, those who distribute the food, and those who receive it ~ as you offer your talent by sharing your services, handiwork, hobby, or time for a Harvest event ~ and as you come to the Harvest with your family and friends, purchase a handcrafted item, or make a donation of any size!

Experience the joy and blessings of sharing your talent so that hungry people are fed, physically and spiritually ~ for we are blessed to be a Blessing … and better people when we give.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
— 1 Peter 4:10